Evidence and Documents
This page presents documents about our progress towards Kinver’s Neighbourhood Plan; and the evidence documents which were commissioned and created to support the development of the Plan’s policies.
To view the Plan, click here.
To view any of the documents listed below, click on the title.
Plan development
Neighbourhood Area Map (Kinver Parish)
Report on First Householder Consultation June 2021
Designation of Local Green Spaces and explanation of how sites were selected
Consultation Statement : report of consultations on the draft plan under Regulation 14.
Basic Conditions Statement setting out how the plan conforms to relevant legislation.
Kinver Housing Needs Assessment reviewing population, demographic and economic evidence, and the implications for the housing Kinver needs
Kinver Design Codes: how to design housing so that it fits well with Kinver and works for those who will live there
Kinver Nature Recovery Report: how and where we should protect and enhance sites for nature
Kinver Heritage Assessment: Our heritage assets and how to protect them
Kinver Carbon Footprint Report: baseline info to help identify the most effective actions to cut carbon emissions.
Kinver NDP Background Document containing additional information not in the Draft Plan
Planning Policy Background: the national and local planning policies which affect our options.